
Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2009

Secretary for FIABCI Congress

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Dear Friends,

An international real estate federation (FIABCI) is going to hold a World Congress on 24-28 May 2010 in Bali. The congress secretariat is looking for a secretary with the following requirements:

1. Female
2. Minimum D3 Degree from (preferable) Tarakanita Secretarial Academy
3. One-two years experience as Secretary/Receptionist
4. Highly proficient in Microsoft Office (esp. word processing)
5. Excellent skill in English (oral and written)
6. Excellent telephone manner
7. Highly responsible, reliable, honest and fast learner

Location of the office is in Simprug, Jakarta Selatan. The term of the contract is for 1st November 2009-1 June 2010. Should you
be interested in this position, please send your CV and recent photograph to and/or

Best regards,

Vera Nathalia

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