
Selasa, 20 Oktober 2009

Job Vacancy - PT. Oktagon Citra Mandiri

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Semoga iklan tentang"Job Vacancy - PT. Oktagon Citra Mandiri" merupakan iklan yang anda cari, dan bila memang "Job Vacancy - PT. Oktagon Citra Mandiri" bukan yang anda cari, silahkan gunakan kolom search yang telah kami sediakan. PT Oktagon Citra Mandiri is a leading company based in photography. We
provide all the needs in photography start from equipment (Oktagon),
rental (Oktarent), reparation (Oktacare) and school (Neumatt). Please
visit our website for further information (

We would like to invite you joining with our team to fill these position :

1. Marketing Staff (Code on Subject : MKT)

Requirement :
- Male / Female.
- Age between 20 - 28 years old.
- Candidate graduated from Bachelor Degree from Management or
equivalent with minimum GPA 3.00.
- Communicative and persuasive.
- Knowing the basic skills in Marketing and Sales.
- Able to operate Microsoft Office.
- Knowing and familiar with photography is an advantage.

2. Web Administration Staff (Code on Subject WEB)

Requirement :
- Male.
- Candidate graduated from Bachelor Degree from IT, Graphic Design,
or related discipline.
- Experience in Sales minimum 1 year.
- Good communication and understanding design and art.
- Understand photography, photoshop software, and telemarketing.

3. Administration Staff (Code on Subject ADM)

Requirement :
- Female.
- Minimum Graduated from SMK or Secretary.
- Age 20 - 25.
- Understanding Microsoft Office program.
- Experience handling office administration.
- Warm and communicative.

Interested candidates should send a comprehensive resume with recent
photograph and cover letter max 200 KB with Microsoft Word format to :

PT. Oktagon Citra Mandiri
Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya 50 A, Jakarta Pusat 10610
021 - 4204545
Mr. Agustinus Ardianto
HRD Recruiter

Konten yang ada di blog ini sepenuhnya merupakan tanggung jawab pemasang. Jadi anda harus hati2 dalam mencerna suatu informasi.

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