
Minggu, 25 Oktober 2009

Urgently Required Jr. Secretary

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Semoga iklan tentang"Urgently Required Jr. Secretary" merupakan iklan yang anda cari, dan bila memang "Urgently Required Jr. Secretary" bukan yang anda cari, silahkan gunakan kolom search yang telah kami sediakan.

Dear Mba Mods,

Please help ya... Makasih ya mba Mods

Dear All,

We are still looking for a Junior Secretary to fill our vacant position with the

qualification as follows:

1. Female;

2. Fresh Graduated from Secretarial Academy;

3. Active in English;

4. Good Interpersonal and Communication Skills;

5. Good Computer Skills;

6. Helpful attitude and willing to work with others;

7. Self-motivated, committed & result-driven with the ability to work under tight deadlines;

Please send your application letter, curriculum vitae together with

your current photograph  and expected salary to  email :

Thank you

Konten yang ada di blog ini sepenuhnya merupakan tanggung jawab pemasang. Jadi anda harus hati2 dalam mencerna suatu informasi.

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